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Privacy Policy

PRIVATE and sensitive information

Meridian Computer Corporation (MCC) may collect and store client private and sensitive information including contact and billing information. This information is used for MCC's own internal purposes. Client information is never shared with any third party entity. Client information may be shared with an authorized law-enforcement agancy upon production of appropriate court mandated papers.

Advertising and spam policy

MCC may, at its own discretion, use client contact information to advertise MCC's products and services after the client has "Opted-In". This includes email and SMS texting. Clients may opt-out of any such campaign by replying STOP.

MCC never sends out unsoliticed commercial emails (UCEs), unsoliticed bulk emails (UBEs) or unsoliticed SMS (TEXT) messages under any circumstances. MCC strives to maintain its clients rights to privacy. Spam activity should be reported to

No personal or senisitive information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing or promotional purposes.


Direct any questions regarding MCC's Privacy Policy to: